Why I Decided to Start My Podcast Fuel, Sweat, and Science

Why did I decide to start a podcast?


That is the million-dollar question.


When we get right down to it, I started my podcast because I believe everyone deserves to understand their body. In an attempt to sell more products and drive revenue, the nutrition and food industry has manipulated people and capitalized on misinformation, trends, and people’s pain points. I want to come against that and teach all of you the truth.


It’s so sad to me when clients come in and have spent hundreds of dollars on supplements, coaches, apps, workout programs, sensitivity tests, therapies, diets, and more. They just want to lose weight fast and get over that hump. I know there are many of you out there who feel the same way. I’m doing this podcast for you.


I’ve Been There


For those of you who do resonate with what I just described, know that I get it. There was a time when I felt so uncomfortable in my body. I thought I was eating well but I was actually in such a deficit that it was causing emotional problems. I was lifting heavy and putting a lot of muscle on which made me feel uncomfortable and unconfident. 


I don’t want people to experience those struggles and, if they are already, I want to help them recognize that it’s temporary.


It Gets to Be Easy


Food, exercise, and the day-to-day battle don’t have to be so hard. There are answers and strategies that can make it easy for you. 


There are sacrifices for sure but the changes you make don’t have to be so drastic and unsustainable. It’s all about finding the small changes that can make a big difference and being consistent.


This is why I started my podcast. Having a coach and support system that you trust and respect and who you can pass your load to helps you focus on being present for your kids, family, work, social network, community, and life.


What Fuel, Sweat, and Science Will Look Like


The podcast will be all about discussing real things. We will get into some of the science as it’s important to understand the why behind the changes we’re making. However, more so I want the podcast to be a discussion about what you are feeling every day.

In each episode, we’ll look at a burning question. I’ll bring on an expert who can talk about each one so you can get the best quality information available.


Truly, I just want to help you. I want to hold your hand through this process so that you can find the answer that’s right for you. I want to give you the opportunity to be successful without feeling like you’re digging yourself into a deeper hole.

If you want to learn more about my podcast, check out https://workwithdrtiff.com/podcast/.

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