Episode 030: Power Poses and Positive Energy

Episode 030: Power Poses and Positive Energy
I have spent a lot of time in my career working with athletes, coaches, and parents on mental preparation, mental skillsets, and performance enhancement. I even got my Masters in Sports Psychology. After all of this, I fully understand the importance of positive thinking to athletic performance.
When it comes down to it, sports psychology is optimizing your mental capacity to deal with the pressures of competition. It is the key to countering one of the biggest barriers my clients encounter: negative self-talk.
How many times have you beaten yourself up over mistakes, lack of preparation, or an inability to move past a mistake in a competitive situation? In this episode, I want to get into some of the strategies of sports psychology I have learned over the years that can help with this.
I am not one to say, “Just think positive and life will be wonderful.” However, there are certain behavioral patterns you can implement to move yourself come out of a negative spiral. Tune in to learn what they are.
Audio File:
Show Highlights:
- Why we must stop trying to change other people.
- How to know if you’re operating with a growth mindset.
- The danger of going into situations with a negative outlook and body language.
- What power poses are.
- How to refocus your energy.
- The power of tiny incremental shifts.
- How to audit your vocabulary.
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If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com. Let them know I sent you.