Water and Weight Loss
Is the adage of drinking eight glasses of water a day still true?
While that has been the general rule of thumb, there are a lot of factors that come into play when you think about how much water you need per day.
For so long, it was eight glasses of eight ounces of water, which is a total of 64 ounces per day.
But don’t you think that is so generic knowing that we all weigh differently and we all sweat differently?
We all have different amounts of body fat and even men have more body water than women because they have more muscle mass, while women have more fatty tissue and thus they have less water.
And so, we can’t just fit our water requirements in a single box because each of us has different genetic makeup and different activity levels, therefore, different needs.
The Most Important Macro Nutrient
When we talk about this new macro craze, we’re usually just talking about carbs, fat, and protein. But what we don’t realize is that water is certainly, if not, the most important macronutrient essential for so many of our bodily functions.
60% to 80% of your body is water at any given time.
Men have more body water than women because they have more muscle mass so women have more fatty tissue and thus they have less water. The more body fat you have, the less water. The muscle holds water so the more lean mass, the more water weight.
Functions of Water
- The building block of cells
- Regulates body temperature
- Transport of nutrients for metabolism
- Flushes our body through urination and bowel movement
- Lubricates the brain and spinal cord
- Helps form saliva
How Much Water Do You Need Per Day?
At a minimum, men need about 120 ounces of water while women need to work in 90 ounces of water.
If you’re working out a lot, you’re sweating more, and so, you need more water. The environment could vary as well such as hot humid climates versus arid climates and higher altitudes.
There are also other factors such as bladder infections and pregnancy that you need to consider when determining your water intake.
Thirst is actually the worst indicator that you’re dehydrated. When you’re thirsty, you’re probably already 2% to 3% dehydrated.
There’s a difference between a fully hydrated brain versus a dehydrated brain. It may not be affecting your physical performance. But it certainly could be affecting your mental capacity and your mental agility.
Urine is another indicator of dehydration. If it’s darker yellow and it has a strong scent, it’s a sign you need to hydrate yourself. If you feel dizzy, or lightheaded, that’s telling that you could be low in blood sugar, but it could be a sign of dehydration as well.
If you want to learn more about water and weight loss, check out https://workwithdrtiff.com/episode-014.