Fuel, Sweat & Science with Dr. Tiff
Welcome to Fuel, Sweat, and Science with Dr. Tiff! Every episode is an in-depth look at how to avoid paralysis by analysis from all the fat loss, weight loss options and claims out there, move past a history of failed attempts which may have caused metabolic changes, or suppression. Dr. Tiffany Breeding, PhD, CSCS –– Fitness Nutrition and Strength and Conditioning Specialist –– will help you learn to balance busy, social lives while still seeing results. The goal is to help you realize that losing weight does not have to be so complicated. Come hang out with other goal-driven, numbers-oriented people, looking to improve their health who are frustrated by the fitness industry, committed to making changes in their lives, and are looking for a return on their investment; then take an insight or two to inspire your own journey?
Episode 040: Intuitive eating vs. Macros
Most Nutritionists, Dieticians, and Coaches hang their hat on one philosophy, and we all have to do that in order to help potential clients better…
Episode 039: ADHD and Diet
Is there a link between the body and the brain? Absolutely. So, can how you feed your body affect neurodevelopmental disorders like ADD or ADHD?…
Episode 038: Social Circle Sabotage
Episode 038: Social Circle Sabotage It’s a perpetual party amongst your now 40 something Frat boys, or your girlfriends from high school. Your group’s “rules”…
Episode 037: Fiber, Blood Sugar & Weight Gain
Episode 037: Fiber, Blood Sugar and Weight Gain Fiber is the little known carb that could. What is fiber, and how does it impact…
Episode 036: Sodium and Water Retention
Hydration is a buzz word in the fitness industry. We are instructed to drink lots of water to “stay hydrated.” Yet, many of my clients…
Episode 034: Maintenance and the Reverse Diet
Episode 034: Maintenance and the Reverse Diet There is one thing I always tell my clients and put on my marketing material: I don’t…
Episode 033: Nutrition After Surgery
Episode 033: Nutrition After Surgery Because I work in a physical therapy office, I run into patients all the time who are going through…
Episode 032: The Lean, Clean Bulk
Episode 032: The Lean, Clean Bulk Are you wanting to grow muscle and gain some lean mass? I hear this request a lot from my…
Episode 031: Menopause Woes
Episode 031: Menopause Woes Today, we’re talking about one of the most common struggles I get questions about in my practice: menopause. This…
Episode 030: Power Poses and Positive Energy
Episode 030: Power Poses and Positive Energy I have spent a lot of time in my career working with athletes, coaches, and parents on…